IT Consulting |  Managed IT | BackUp/Disaster Recovery | Cyber Security


     Managed IT

Nerds By Design offers full-service managed support that cover everything from help desk services for quick fixes, to strategic IT planning for future roadmapping. Instead of shouldering the costs of hiring a full-time IT department or more employees; you typically pay a fixed, predictable monthly fee for easy budgeting. Our consultants will optimize your IT environment to make it more efficient, faster, more effective, and more scalable so you can grow your business without fear of major disruptions.

IT Consulting

Having a detailed roadmap that lays out the future of your business is vital for your success and growth, and the same can be said of your technology. Strategic planning is one of the most cost-effective ways to maximize your technology ROI, develop products and services, and prevent future disasters. Our seasoned IT consultants will analyze your business and its needs, then work with you to develop a technology roadmap that will ensure your company grows with the times, instead of getting left behind.

Backup/Disaster Recovery

Your company’s data is one of, if not the most, vital asset you possess. Just like physical assets such as vehicles, they are susceptible to unforeseen natural and human-caused disasters. fire, flood, sabotage, human error, and many other catastrophes can compromise your business data and tarnish your reputation. Fortunately, unlike your vehicles, data can be easily copied, stored, and recovered in the event of a disaster if you have the right tools.

Cyber Security

Hackers, scammers, and other cybercriminals are unfortunate realities of doing business in the information age, and they do target micro, small, and medium-sized businesses. These “smaller fish” can’t or simply don’t spend the time required to safeguard their data and network. Not addressing cybersecurity lowers costs in the short-term, but eventually a breach will happen, and the costs can be astronomically higher than putting appropriate countermeasures in place. Nerds By Design helps businesses solve this problem by offering cybersecurity solutions that are both affordable and effective.